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Reexamining the Electoral College

The Electoral College – that sometimes maligned process by which the United States elects a new president – was initially established as a compromise between allowing Congress to vote for the next leader of the country and allowing the popular vote to dictate who...

Quantity Over Quality: The 2:1 Footnote Ratio

For any new law review or law journal (law review) staff member, one of the first things you learn is how to properly write and edit footnotes.  Staff members spend so much of their time editing and writing footnotes that they often forget to ask why they need twice...

A Bun in the Oven

For many couples, giving birth to a child is the culmination of their relationship. Parenthood is an integral part of the human experience, and when would-be parents find themselves, for one reason or another, unable to conceive, the options are limited. Adoption is...

The Burkini Controversy Rages On

A combination of “bikini” and “burqa,” the Burqini – swimwear that covers all parts of the body except for the face, hands, and feet – remains at the center of a heated controversy in France. Created in 2003 in Australia by Aheda Zanetti, the Burqini was designed as a...